Customer Center

Submit Your Report

Welcome to our online reporting page.

Here, you can submit reports on:

  • Fraudulence and corruption (request and receipt of money and valuables, etc.)

  • Unfair work.

  • Unfair transactions.

  • Unfair transactions with stakeholders (equity participation and money lending, etc.)

  • Illegal/unfair use of company assets.

  • Sexual harassment and other acts that undermine a healthy organizational culture.

  • Suggestions for improvement at the workplace.

  • Other complaints

※ However, unfounded slander or matters concerning personal lives of employees will not be accepted.

Reports accepted via
website, e-mail, phone, fax, and mail.

(04386) 92, Hangang-daero, Yongsan-gu, Seoul (LS Yongsan Tower, Hangang-ro 2ga) 15th Floor, LS MnM Legal Team

Reporting Process

Please note that it takes a minimum of 7 to 10 days for us to process your report and inform you the results in accordance with the procedures set forth by the Ethics Management Reporting Line.

  • 오른쪽 아래 모서리가 접힌 종이 아이콘 오른쪽 아래 모서리가 접힌 종이 아이콘

    Report received

  • 돋보기 아이콘 돋보기 아이콘

    Report reviewed

  • 펜과 책 아이콘 펜과 책 아이콘

    Investigation begins

  • 종이 두 장 아이콘 종이 두 장 아이콘

    Investigation complete

  • 확성기 아이콘 확성기 아이콘

    Results delivered

Informant protection

The identity of the informant will not be disclosed without his or her consent, nor will any information implying his/her identity.

In principle, if the real name and accurate evidence are provided, the informant will be protected, and so will the information on related stakeholders.
The following information will be protected.

정장을 입은 남성이 노트북을 만지고 있는 사진 정장을 입은 남성이 노트북을 만지고 있는 사진
  • The identity of the informant.
  • The evidence submitted and data collected by the informant.
  • Information that can help infer the identity of the person concerned.
  • Results and measures being taken, etc.